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2017년 국제학술대회

작성자 : 관리자
조회수 : 522

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안팎으로 평안하고 풍성한 가을 되시길 빕니다.

황효식 드림

Conference Program

October 27, 2017 (Friday) Gaesin Cultural Center



Conference I: “Interdisciplinary Shakespeare Beyond Theory”

Gaesin Cultural Center

Seminar Room (2 nd Floor)


Opening Ceremony (Conference I)

Welcome Speech by Miye Kim (President, SAK / Professor, Dongduk Women’s Univ.) Moderator: Hyosik Hwang (Vice President, Foreign Relations, SAK / Professor, CBNU)

10:00-10:30 Hyundong Ko (Changwon National Univ., Korea) “Dethroning Kings: Mencius, Machiavelli, and King James” 10:30-11:00 James Tink (Tohoku Univ., Japan) “Marlowe’s Mighty Line and Shakespeare’s Puissance: Tamburlaine and Henry V”

Chair: Sanghyun Kim (Semyung Univ.) Discussants: Kisuh Sung (Seowon Univ.) Jeong Yong Yoon (Korea Univ.)


Coffee Break

Gaesin Cultural Center

Seminar Room (2 nd Floor)

11:20-11:50 Daniel Gallimore (Kwansei Gakuin Univ., Japan) “Reading Accentual Prosody in Japanese Shakespeare Translation” 11:50-12:20 Alan Y. Lin (National Taiwan Normal Univ., Taiwan) 'Hanging, Marriage, and Status: Interpreting the Image of Feste according to Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night and Three Chinese Translations'

Chair: Jina Kim (Chungbuk National Univ.)

5 Discussants: Gi Taek Ryoo (Chungbuk National Univ.) Seunghee Bahng (K00kmin Univ.)

Gaesin Cultrual Center

Conference Room (1 st Floor)

11:20-11:50 Khaled Mostafa Karam (Suez Univ., Egypt) “Creative Conceptual Integration in Shakespeare’s Dramatic Composition” 11:50-12:20 Sung-won Cho (Seoul Women’s Univ., Korea) “Pansori, Changgeuk, and Shakespeare Drama”

Chair: Kyung Ju Lo (Dongduk Women’s Univ.)

Discussants: Osook Kwon (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies) Seunghyun Hwang (Kyonggi Univ.)


Lunch Break (Eunhasoo Restaurant on Campus)

Gaesin Cultural Center Seminar Room (2 nd Floor) 2:00-2:45 Plenary Speech 1 Diana Henderson (MIT, USA) “It’s Not About Him: Generation (and Other) Gaps in Viewing Shakespeare Now”

Chair: Hyon-u Lee (Soonchunhyang Univ.) Discussant: Yongeun Lee (Sungshin Women’s Univ.)


Coffee Break

Gaesin Cultural Center

Seminar Room (2 nd Floor)

3:00-3:30 Hiewon Shin (North Greenville Univ., USA) “The Story of Hamlet and the Voice of ‘Virgin’ in Recent Korean Drama Tamra, the Island” 3:30-4:00 Pierce Michael Smith (Gulf Univ. for Science and Technology, Kuwait) “Travelling Shakespeare”

Chair: Seungjoo Yang (Koje College) Discussants: Seong-kwan Cho (Kyunghee Univ.) Hyochoon Park (Kangnam Univ.)


Coffee Break

6 4:20-5:20


A Guide to Research Ethics for Members of SAK

Yongkwan Lee, Vice President, Editor-in-Chief, SAK

Photo Session & Break

Conference II: “Quest and Encounter: Interdisciplinary Studies on Shakespeare”

Gaesin Cultural Center Conference Room (1 st Floor) 3:00-3:30 Miki Iwata (Rikkyo Univ., Japan) “Childlessness and Grief in Justin in Kurzel’s Macbeth (2015)” 3:30-4:00 Rebekah Bale (Institute for Tourism Studies, Macao, PRC.)

“An Adaptation of Romeo and Juliet, ‘La Résurrection Rouge et Blanche de Romeo et Juliette’ by the Congolese writer Sony Labou Transi”

Chair: Christopher L. Berchild (Indiana State Univ., USA) Discussants: Youngmi Kim (Chungbuk National Univ.) Hyunjoo Kim (Jungwon Univ.)


Coffee Break

Gaesin Cultural Center Seminar Room (2 nd Floor) 4:20-4:30 Opening Ceremony (Conference II)

Welcome Speech by Deuk-yrell Bae (Dean, College of Humanities, CBNU / Chair, CBNU’s CORE Program) Moderator: Hyosik Hwang (Vice President, Foreign Relations, SAK / Professor, CBNU)


Keynote Speech

Brian Cummings (Univ. of York, UK) “Memory in Hamlet: Remembering the Reformation”

Chair: Sungwon Cho (Seoul Women’s Univ.)



Photo Session & Break

Dinner (Eunhasoo Restaurant on Campus)

7 Gaesin Cultural Center

Seminar Room (2 nd Floor)


Performance—Shakespeare on Screen Pericles (2016), Yohangza, dir. Jung-ung Yang

October 28, 2017 (Saturday) Humanities and Social Sciences Building (N14)



8 Conference II: “Quest and Encounter: Interdisciplinary Studies on Shakespeare”

Room 105 10:00-10:30 Seonyoung Jang (Kongju National Univ., Korea) “Twelfth Night: Political Emotions, Sexual Energy, and Women” 10:30-11:00 Woo Soo Park (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies, Korea) “Shakespeare’s Political Skepticism in His Roman Plays”

Chair: Daniel Gallimore (Kwansei Gakuin Univ., Japan) Discussants: Do In Han (Dankook Univ.)

Karam Khaled Mostafa (Suez Univ., Egypt)

Room 104 10:00-10:30 Luisa Moore (The Australian National Univ., Australia) “New Interdisciplinary Ways of Reading Shakespeare’s Characters: Defying Tradition and Foreshadowing Change in Rossetti’s Hamlet and Ophelia” 10:30-11:00 Hyosik Hwang (Chungbuk National Univ., Korea) “‘Speak what we feel’: Re-reading King Lear in Post-Reformation Cultural Contexts”

Chair: Jason Gleckman (The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) Discussants: Sujin Oh (Seowon Univ.)

James Tink (Tohoku Univ., Japan)


Coffee Break

Room 105

11:20-11:50 Sungkyun Yim (Sookmyung Women’s Univ., Korea) “ ‘Out, idle words’: Shakespeare’s Lucrece and Human Tragedy” 11:50-12:20 Yoshiko Matsuda (Takasaki Univ. of Health and Welfare Japan) “Macbeth and Japanese Literary Modernization in Meiji Era”


Chair: Kwangsoon Cho (Ajou Univ.)

Discussants: Ji-young Sim (Chungbuk National Univ.) Raok Kim (Woosuk Univ.)

Room 104

9 11:20-11:50 Nizar Zouidi (The Higher Institute of Education Sciences Gafsa, Tunisia) “‘The Drop of Blood that’s Calm Proclaims Me Bastard’: On Revenge and Legitimacy in The Libation Bearer by Aeschylus, King Oedipus by Sophocles and Hamlet by William Shakespeare” 11:50-12:20 Dohyun Rim (Daejin Univ., Korea) “Female Fools in Shakespeare and Yeats”

Chair: Seonghwan Kim (Kwangyang Health College) Discussants: Seungjin Baek (Gyeongsang National Univ.) Miki Iwata (Rikkyo Univ. Japan)


Lunch Break & the Museum Tour --Cheongju Early Printing Museum http://jikjiworld.cheongju.go.kr/app3/jikjiworld/content/eng_main/index.html

Room 105

2:40-3:25 Plenary Speech 2 Tom Bishop (University of Auckland, New Zealand) “Pre-Socratic Shakespeare?”

Chair: Hiewon Shin (North Greenville Univ, USA) Discussant: Changsup Song (Kyunghee Univ.)


Coffee Break

Room 105 3:40-4:25 Plenary Speech 3 Jason Gleckman (The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) “Shakespeare and Reformation Psychology”

Chair: Yongkwan Lee (Univ. of Suwon) Discussant: Yee Yon Im (Yeungnam Univ.)


Photo Session & Break

Room 105 4:40-5:10

Hye Lyun Pyun (Myongji Univ., Korea)

10 “Othello vs. Otello: One Story, Two Representations, Three Perspectives” 5:10-5:40 Rosalind Fielding (Univ. of Birmingham, UK) “‘Now mark me how I will undo myself’: Ninagawa’ Richard II ”

Chair: Kiho Yun (Chungbuk National Univ.) Discussants: Nanyoung Oh (Kkottongdae Univ.) Mi-Kyong Kim (Baekseok Univ.)

Room 104

Christopher L. Berchild (Indiana State Univ.,USA) “‘O for a Muse of Fire’: Shakespearean Digital Scenography” 5:10-5:40 Dongha Seo (Korea Military Academy, Korea) “Elizabeth Freestone’s Rape of Lucrece (2012): Lucrece’s self-representation in the power play of men”


Chair: Byoungdae An (Hanyang Women’s Univ.) Discussants: Hee koo Lee (Jungwon Univ.) Inwhan Do (Keimyung Univ.)

6:0o -

Dinner (off campus)